Legal notice

This legal notice contains general conditions that govern access to and use of the web site, which owns: Mª Isabel Díaz Rodríguez, equipped with tax ID: 71874422C and hereinafter referred to as the holder.

The use of the website implies express and full acceptance of these general conditions in the published version at the moment that the user accesses the same, without prejudice to the specific conditions that could apply to some of the specific services of the web site.

Intellectual and industrial property on the contents of the website:

All the textual and graphic elements that make up the web site are the property of the company and are protected by the legislation of intellectual property, with the exception of images of free distribution that could contain.

Acts of reproduction, modification, distribution or public communication of the website or any of its elements without the prior consent in writing of the holder may not be.

Users of the web site may only be private and personal use of the contents of this. It is absolutely prohibited, the use of the web site or any of its elements for commercial or illicit purposes.

THE company assumes no liability for the use by third parties of the content of the web site and may exercise all civil or criminal actions that apply to infringements of these rights by the user.

Design and source code of the page belong and are protected by the regulations in force on property and intellectual to the holder.

In order to improve the performance of the web site, the company reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice to the user to modify, extend or suspend the presentation, configuration, technical specifications and services of the web site, unilaterally.
Also reserves the right to modify at any time these terms of use as well as any other special conditions.
Exclusion of liability

THE company is not responsible for any typographical, formal or numerical errors that may contain web site, or the accuracy of the information contained in it.

The hyperlinks contained in the company’s web site can be directed to web pages of third parties. THE company does not assumes no responsibility for the content, information or services that may appear on such sites, which will have exclusively informative and in no case imply any relationship between the holder and persons or entities holding of such contents or owners of the sites where they are.